I have so many exciting things happening right now in my life, with a fresh lab rotation coming up that I am really looking forward to and roots of association and maybe friendship finally sprouting in my new world.  I can finally cook satisfactorily and efficiently, and my refrigerator has a good in-out flow going instead of the horrendous buildup of strange creatures that characterized my Burton-Conner kitchen.  I’ve gotten to perform for and meet with amazing people, and slowly I think I’m becoming more visible to this world – I never thought I’d have a row of Massachusetts senators and representatives listening to me play, and I never thought I could “cold e-mail” a lab and be filling out paperwork to join before the interview was even over.  I’ve also become a lot more confident in my driving ability, and the past year of financial independence has taught me a lot about balancing my life and earning the things I want.

Even though it feels like I’m easing into the adult world at long last, its horrors mitigated by the eager and youthful minds of all ages that surround me every day, there’s one part of the dreams of my future that is still holding its breath anxiously.  I don’t want to ever have another trio of seasons so far from you, and so I hope every day that another place won’t come and snap you up and take you away from me.  I am so dependent on your companionship and humor and wit and playfulness that even a busy day without you is hard on the heart.  Please … stay close to me, always …

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