Archive for November, 2010

Luuuucky 7’s! In commemoration of the 777th post on this blog, I present to you a six-page improv comic that I drew over the last two days. I am very, very pleased with how it turned out, because with all the artistic and organizational shortcomings of the improvisational format, I feel like I was able to convey important perceptions of reality that I’ve never been able to in the past.  It’s easy to explain an idea to someone else, but it is very difficult to explain a perceptual experience to someone who has never shared that perception of the world before.

All six pages are presented below the cut.  Please read left to right.

Continue reading ‘[777] Melinoe’s World!’ »

Practiced dyeing marzipan today. Also learned how to bake a pumpkin pie.

Liver Cake Small_s