I drew the main cast for my fall comic of no current title. Of course, designs are subject to change!  The farthest char to the right is “Kiyori.”  If she’s cut off on your browser, then just go to the link instead: http://www.aquamarinestardust.net/images/Fall_cast_s.jpg


  1. Melike says:

    Yay! The men look like men! and I like Minim. Is she holding a lighter? Is she a pyro?

  2. jhlo says:

    Yes, that’s a lighter ^^. She’s an alien who first discovered fire when she came to Earth, and she’s been fascinated with it ever since. Her earrings are little ruby-esque flames inset in a silver outline. She also carries around a rocket launcher of some sort, although I forgot to finish drawing that. The target on Angelina’s head is her doing, because she’s always trying to blast that mouse to smitherines – it scurries around the restaurant’s kitchen and generally wreaks havoc. She (the mouse) wasn’t originally that big, but she went into the stock room and ate a French Fry.

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