Me: {bending down and picking up Saran wrap strewn over the floor, plus champagne bottles / thumb tacks / computer paper} Sorry, I’m just trying to clear a path to my room.

Neighbor: Oh, don’t worry about it. The only people I pity right now are the janitors.

* * *

This mess is INCREDIBLE. And by that I mean if you had told me about it before, I would have called you liar liar pants on fire. I came by earlier and asked if I could move my stuff into the lounge while people moved out, and the reply I got was, “If you put it in the lounge, the janitors will throw it out.”

Uhh … so you guys (actually, girls) left apples rolling on the floor and ironing boards and peeling shoes and printers and textbooks and Mickey Mouse dolls all over … the floor and the tables?

As my neighbor aptly put it, keep up this mentality and the janitors are apt to pull out rifles on us.

I’m not a terribly clean person, and I just took out some paper towels and soap and wiped down the sinks to get rid of the stains and crumbs. I haven’t moved the plate, silverware, and cup that are sitting there, gathering dust … yet.

The fuck? Ever heard of leaving a place the way you found it?

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