A lot of things have been happening lately. Pretty big things. Pretty big setbacks.

The Senate actually bothered to get together on a Saturday to give a symbolic vote against the ridiculous notion that pouring in more and more troops into Iraq would somehow be the panacea for a ridiculously outdated battle strategy that’s sixty years too old. Remember how putting half a million troops into Vietnam worked out? But the vote failed, and we’re left wondering, what does it mean when Bush can still throw around a Democrat-controlled Congress?

The Hamas party has somewhat reconciled with Fatah, and the prime minister resigned in order to make way for a “National Unity” government. Absolutely shocking to me, although diplomatically logical.

A train blast killed more than sixty people in India, threatening a very fragile Pakistan-India truce.

Now imagine a newspaper where the most widely-read articles make the front page. The internet is supposed to facilitate the free diffusion of knowledge, right?

I can picture the newspaper right now – heck, people all around are talking about these world-changing events! Here’s the full line-up – high-impact news that *matters* to people:

OMG, Britney shaved her head! Tom Brady’s ex-girlfriend is *pregnant* with his baby, the outrage! Let’s all plan a trip to the Bahamas to check out the late Anna Nicole Smith’s house w00t.

[Correction: apparently, the new headline is that Anna Nicole Smith’s body is decomposing.]

Sorry for ranting on a topic I’ve largely beaten to death in the past, but it just seems like every moment the common people wallow in ignorance, the less and less likely it seems that the miracle that could salvage the world slips farther and farther out of reach …

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