I had a beautifully-rendered dream when I napped, probably because I was hovering between being awake and being asleep, to the degree that I couldn’t control the dream but I could still store it as though I were actually experiencing it.

The simplest form of the story is that my family decided to go on vacation. The opening scenes are unfortunately a bit hazy for me, but we were just deciding where to go. Oh, one thing to note is that this was not my normal family – by “my family” I just meant that all the surrounding characters were blood-related to me. I think I had two elder sisters who were very tall and beautiful. I don’t think I was fully cognizant of who I was, but I think I was the youngest (and shortest, and least beautiful) daughter. I think that mom and dad seemed to be of European origin, perhaps with some gypsy or Spanish blood or something in there. But all three of us daughters had dark blonde/light brown hair.

Anyway, so the dream started out slow, in some pretty drab places (our house in the dream, not my real house .. ugh, the rug was kind of nasty-looking. Well, who knows what house I’m thinking of right now). But it really became amazing when we got onto the submarine. I think the original plan was to travel from point A to point B via submarine. So we started descending – it was kind of like an underwater subway, actually, and I definitely felt odd sensations of simulated pressure and dropping height (like on a rollercoaster) that honestly I probably wouldn’t have felt on a real submarine. But this was no ordinary submarine.

It went down and down (not vertically – like I said, it was like a subway). There were signs marking the depth. But all of a sudden we were outside the submarine. I have no idea why. I think I probably peered too far out the window (there were wide window panes on all sides – the submarine was transparent everywhere except the ceiling and floor) .. peering too far out causes anomalies in object boundaries in the brain, since the “camera” can exceed physical limitations.

So anyway, I ended up outside, except I realized that I could take out my mouth-plug thing because we were in fact in a large region of air under the sea. The ceiling-water was very beautifully rendered – I have never seen such crystal-clear, shimmering water ripples so breathtaking in my life. It was as though the floor itself were shining and illuminating the watery sky. The ground level itself consisted of large park-like units, and lots of people walking around. Because of the arcade-like linear orientation of the world (along the axis of the submarine’s descent path), we simply walked straight forward. My brain seemed to have rendered far ahead and behind, but the sides were faded out at a distance of about 1/4 mile (instead, I could probably see 1/2 mile ahead of me). The region was indeed very large, but easy to track because of the high level of regularity in the system. I did not notice any corruption of the data (eg, object replacement).

We eventually reached a slope on the far end and started ascending again. I had to put back in my mouth-blocker. The rise through the water regions took about 2 seconds because I decided it was boring (and arduous) and not worth experiencing. So I just warped to a timepoint later on when I was on the ground again. We walked along a beach and entered an empty house. This happens a lot in my dreams.

I was kind of sad because I was tracking wet sand all over the place. This was another amazing moment – seeing the distribution of sand-prints with wet (dark) and powdery (light) regions on the floor tiles in the kitchen of this empty house, looking down at my legs that were clearly not mine (they were very smooth-skinned. My feet were decidedly smaller, although still wide). The architectural style of the first floor of the house was similar to my grandparents’ beach house, but definitely not exactly the same. For one, there was a cool roof pattern involving lots of branches.

Anyway, yeah, I wanted to continue the dream but I decided that ~1:30 was a good waking-up time since I had a lab report to finish. Hrm, lots of bikinis (which is unusual .. because I find them kind of boring, actually) … perhaps inspired by the random pair of panties that appeared on the bathroom counter for a day and then vanished? Who knows. Sometimes, real life is more bizarre than dreams.

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