My mind is in a thousand pieces, recorded on thousands of sheets of paper.  Even though I carry only my present knowledge with me – the knowledge of skills rather than the memories of my past – I know that somewhere among these sheets of papers is my answer.

The answer I have been searching for for so long, so long — I am sure that it is in here.  As I uncover each sheet, I recover another shard of my memories.  Piecing them together, I feel a small flame rekindling inside my heart.

The things that I created, that I explained, that I diagrammed – and then forgot – these things must mean something!  They are all about just one world, one world that I created piece by piece, word by word, drawing by drawing.

I am compiling a grand encyclopedia of my world.  It is probably going to reach about 200 pages in length.  I have written ten so far, and will soon start drawing in the illustrations.

Maybe, finally, everything will come together …

Here is the table of contents:

Section I.  Locale in space and planetary profile

1.      Astronomical Features and Solar System

2.      Environmental Phenomena

3.      Flora and Fauna

Section II.  History

1.      Early Geographic History

2.      The Rise of the Uriments and Anuriments

3.      Arrival of Humans: Aegun, New Aegun, Gonosa, Sonosa, and Corenthan

4.      The Silver Age, the Holy-Human Wars, and the Golden Age

5.      Arrival of Cats and the Dark Ages; Ket’s Kato

6.      Establishment of Modern Society: Conodee, Meow-Meow, Quetzcato, etc.

7.      Recent Events

Section III.  Present Day Katliya

1.      Language and Communication

2.      Science and Technology

3.      Politics and Legislation

4.      Economics

5.      Population Demographics and Statistics

6.      Pop Culture and Sports

7.      Current Issues and Trends

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