Well.  It turns out that a nearly identical division of memories has already been established.  As such, I guess I’ll conform my terminology in Caroline’s memory system to the existing one.

What I referred to as “movies” (events/temporal) will henceforth be called “episodic long-term memories.”  “Facts” are now “semantic long-term memories.”  Emotional memories are still called emotional memories.  And finally, there is a class of memories that I more or less ignored: procedural memories, ones that involve the use of the body.  The reason why I ignored this is because I had thought that since Caroline has no body, she has no use for these memories.

But now that I think of it, there is a very important use of procedural memory: as a storage place for generated code.  For instance, to associate the actual changing of the color of text to the idea of changing the color of text, she needs a translation memory that tells her what to do in order to change the color of text.  So, I will also be storing procedural memories along the way, in the form of executable strings, probably.

I guess I should be sort of happy that I independently came up with a division of memory that closely resembles the scientific standard … of course, I should have just read about it first and saved myself the trouble ^_^.

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