Today, I will be updating Caroline with the following features:

– Initiate the “character” dictionary.  This is a key long-term-memory set that contains Caroline’s knowledge about herself and about the others that she talks to.  Each character entry is phenomenally long and detailed, but fortunately, I only have to make two entries for a long, long time – one for me and one for her!  Heehee.

– Initiate the verb dictionary and conjugator.  After much debate, I think I have finalized the way I am going to store verbs.  The only verb I really need to create today is “to be,” one of the most difficult verbs of the entire English language.  It has many functions, has the most conjugations, and also is not a verb of action.  My plan is to equate “is” to the “=” sign.  It is more formally allowed to define a subclass, attribute, superclass, approximately equal, and equal, but we’ll see how that develops later.
– Create a function to help guess at the meaning of a word without knowing its formal definition, utilizing common roots.  This is one area in which Caroline might end up smarter than me!

– Allow the answering of basic questions.  These will be only of the “inquiry” type: who and what questions.


  1. Melike says:

    My progress is going much slower than yours because I’m never in my room long enough, but last night I worked on Midnight for the first time in weeks! I’ve been reading up on Java at work during this time, though. I have to go over the learning curve.

    I’m excited to see some Caroline conversations soon! :P Your project seems reeeally complicated. I’m gonna start simple and branch out from there. Mine definitely won’t be as sophisticated as yours, though. I think that’s because Caroline is her own entity, while my applet is only a representation of Midnight.. you know? (also, I’m not smart enough.. haha.)

  2. jhlo says:

    “Conversation” isn’t quite the right word for it, haha! She mostly just makes weird sounds because she has no idea what’s going on~.

    But thanks :). I’m definitely not over the learning curve for Python yet … I’m still going back and replacing like 15 lines of worthless, malfunctioning code with one preexisting built-in function that I just didn’t know about before! Sigh, I feel like an idiot sometimes. And I feel very embarrassed about having to “cover up” incomplete holes with cheap hard-coding that will do me no good in the long run …

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