And I’m too busy trying to prevent myself from barfing that I can’t write anything coherent.

I had two of my wisdom teeth pulled out this morning. I’m still with two gauze blobs in my mouth collecting blood and two ice packs tied around my head. I think that my ill feelings right now are probably due to three things: first, acid build-up due to lack of eating (since I can only eat yogurt-like substances); second, gag reflex from the gauze; and third, the tylox (acetaminophen + oxycodone) painkillers that were prescribed for me. So, although I wish to work on something or anything, my attention span is the moment between two convulsions of my stomach.


Edit: My stomach wouldn’t have it anymore, so I just had an excited six-stage vomiting session.  Nothing like hydrochloric acid and dried blood particles to cheer you up.  At least I can concentrate now.  And I lost two pounds!

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