Practiced dyeing marzipan today. Also learned how to bake a pumpkin pie.

Liver Cake Small_s


  1. Melike says:

    HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAA. I showed both my parents. My dad appreciated it (he’s a liver transplant surgeon)!

  2. jhlo says:

    Ha! Glad he liked it!

    What was your mom’s reaction? I hope it was something along the lines of “ewwww.”

  3. Melike says:

    No, they’re both doctors, so they were both amused… just a little confused, that’s all. I told them you were in med school, and they were like “oh, okay.”

  4. Frances says:

    Hello.. i just want to know what ingredients you use to make the liver.
    I love the color and the texture look at same like a real liver.

    Please let me know!!

  5. jhlo says:

    Hi Frances,

    It’s made completely of marzipan (almond paste) – you can buy it in the supermarket in the baking aisle. I just added red and blue food coloring (and maybe a tiny bit of green), but left it incompletely mixed in order to have that “vein-like” appearance.

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