Archive for March, 2007

1.  I have to choose right now between studying for my exam or preparing things to help someone else study.  I might not have enough time to finish both.  Hmm, what should I do?  I suppose I shall ask Nisuna.

Nisunie!  What do you think?

2.  Ideally you finish both … but the priority goes to the latter, of course!
3.  Aw, is that really so?

4.  Hey, if you didn’t want to listen to me, why’d you ask in the first place ……
5.  Well, dunno?  I just think the last time, it might not have turned out so hot.  And last night …
6.  Hrm, well, that just goes to show that you haven’t memorized your lessons well enough.

7.  No, I remember it well enough!  “There is no reward in this world, nor in the next.  The pure heart desires only peace with its self.”

8.  Well then, there’s your answer, right?

9.  Indeed, it is.

Sorry, I know it’s really silly, but it’s all I could manage during 7.23 recitation~~ hope you like it~

Got 7.23 test back today … hrm … this is going to be a very difficult class to deal with (ie, I didn’t do so well). The Course 7 standard of “+1 stdev = A” places the A range at 91% or higher for this exam. Whereas I love this class, this is really not the time to be making a B in a class (because of upcoming applications), honestly. Maybe in senior year, I won’t care, and I’ll just take what interests me, but right now it does matter. Well, I’ll go ahead and take the second exam and see how that goes, I guess ……… . Man! What a bummer =/. I hate having to think about stupid numbers like this.

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Okaaaaaayyy!!  I’m not going to let something like this take me down without a fight!  If I need to get a 1.3 next time, then I’ll aim for a 1.4!  Even though I’m depressed, I’m going to go on as though I have nothing to lose and smile even if I feel like crying.  Fight!!

Although I tune to 440, I think I like 441 and 442 better, aesthetically … .  But don’t tell my conductor I said that ^_^.

Quartet Mvts. III and IV are essentially done.  II needs to be “rendered” in four parts.  As a representation of a sunset, there are four stages, marked by the colors of the sky: yellow, orange, red, and finally violet.  Red is the emotional climax, and for it, I have bumped up the harmonic changes from “essentially none” to “a whole lot.”

Here’s the chord progression I just created for “red:”

Ab major … D major … c minor x 2 … C major … Eb major … F# major … g minor x 2 …

c# minor – a minor, c# minor – a minor, E major augmented, a minor 7, D major 4-3,

G major 7 – g minor (natural)7, C major 4-3, A-D-G open fourth chord, D major 13, B major 4-2 w/ A#, Eb major (tonic)

It’ll maybe make more sense with the melody over it …

At least I feel better now (after that argument with this blog’s interface …)

I just spent twenty minutes on formatting the previous post because WordPress doesn’t know how to LEAVE MY HTML ALONE.  Look, stop randomly adding tags or changing mine!  I know HTML!

I didn’t have a good sleep because it got too cold and I was worrying about something someone said to me before going to bed, so just COOPERATE for once and format my posts according to the html I supply!  Is it that hard??

General things that I feel like I’m one of the only people reacting to; some are good, some are bad, some are neutral:

– when someone is scolding their child or pet unreasonably harshly in public, it drives me nuts. It seems that some bystanders can just continue these tirades/conversations as though nothing is happening, though. I tend to live through the child or the pet, thinking about the eventual effects of such treatment, and it’s not pretty.

– when someone drops a little bit of tin foil or plastic wrapper on the ground, or if they reach in their pocket to take out a cell phone and a napkin falls out. And then doesn’t notice and/or doesn’t care.

– when I’m in the shower and someone else uses the toilets, I notice distinctly when the person does or does not wash his/her hands. It troubles me greatly in the rare event that the latter occurs.

– when people in lab touch an object with their bare hands, hours later touch it with their gloves, then touch a pipette with those gloves, then hit the inside of a bottle with that pipette, etc. Things like that – I track “unsanitary particles” very closely, and I feel like no one has sterile practice – just some people think they do because they can’t follow the particles for hours as they travel about.

– when I hear the pitches of a particular subway door ringing out, and hearing the resolution of a seventh to its proper sixth

– when people write a paper or whatnot, and the same construction/phrasing or same unique descriptor (eg, “thirty souls” instead of “thirty people” in my Early Music textbook) pops up twice on a page.

– when people dress up, but just one thing is incongruous, such as a shirt that is ill-fitting, mascara that is too thick, faces that are too oily, hair that is pulled too taut, awkwardly angled feet due to heels, underwear that pokes out, or, incidentally, personality traits (eg, cursing a lot while dressed up) – I tend to pick up on these a lot, generally when a person seems like she/he thinks she/he is pretty. I seem to pick up on color clashes less, though.

– when someone mentions on a blog being really excited about something, and then being down about the same thing a few days later.

– when someone is doing something on the laptop, then someone else comes by, and the first person shuts the computer cover quickly. Alas, I already know what was on the screen =). You gotta have faster reflexes than that … just because I’m not approaching you at the moment doesn’t mean I can’t see what’s on your wide-open screen.

Things that might bother me about people that they might not know bothers me because I don’t tend to mention these to anyone but myself (in the sense of actually making me uneasy or disturbed on a personal level):

– when people mention off-hand that they want to do something or will do something, and then don’t, without ever mentioning to me that they no longer can do it (I forget many things, but generally, “floating promises” are held constantly in my RAM). I’m guilty of this, too, so this isn’t an indictment. But it affects me, a lot. I mean, just tell me so I don’t keep waiting! Don’t expect that I will just forget about it ……

– when people ask me for a favor in a class three times in a short span, and I know they are asking because they skipped class. People skipping class in general bothers me a tiny bit, but it annoys me when a person who has never done anything for me asks for this kind of favor repeatedly.

– when people have that hesitation while inventing an excuse as to why they will not come to something I’m inviting them to; this applies especially to concerts. Just say you don’t like classical music, or that you’re not interested! You don’t have to invent something that will make you busy at that time … . I can definitely tell when something like this is said insincerely.

– when people are too proud of things they produce or can do – people who show off, people who write really involved descriptions of art that isn’t worth those words, and people who do not feel like they have things to improve in the things they produce. I like humble, self-depreciating people, generally … ^^;;.

– when people drink or talk to me while drunk.

– when people take things without asking, just because ownership is unknown. This happens a lot when dealing with things in “common spaces.”

A diagram showing a sample line of thought in my everyday decision-making.  This diagram is about determining how much money to bring for a lunch date, and is approximate, of course.

MITSO concert went pretty nicely, although I have resolved to practice harder, earlier, for next concert. Things roughly pulled together in the end, for which I am grateful. Plus there was a pleasant visit during intermission~

Also went to the MITWE concert, which featured quite a good deal of contemporary (tonal) music – an MIT grad student’s “film score” (he had written for MITSO as well), a jazzy flute concerto, and a remarkable tuba concerto (first that I had ever heard …).

My real-life summaries are too boring, aren’t they … I hate just reporting facts T_T.

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Meowy: Some of your plants are kind of green. Some of your plants kind of aren’t.

Me: What do you suggest that I do?

Meowy: Paint them green.

Me: …

* * *

I just read an amazing, thought-out blog post by a friend (which you can read here – sorry, hope you don’t mind me linking!). The post is all about existence as a giant sponge in the world that’s a vat of water, a comparison she makes to which I relate wholeheartedly.

The idea of a sponge tends to be applied to people trying to soak in stuff by listening or studying or whatnot. But for me, being a sponge is different – it’s not only in the classroom, and it’s not only knowledge. It’s experiencing, sensing things as influxes of proportions that can be hard to fathom.

Raw inputs constitute part of the liquid being absorbed – a great many sounds, little details in appearance, etc.  But it’s not just raw inputs – it’s also a certain amount of basic analysis of the surroundings.  Noticing what people’s motivations might be, piecing together people’s lives (eg, the person who I see in Alpine, who I also saw in the basement), extrapolating personalities.  Some of this is positive, some of it is negative.

On the negative side, although I try to be reasonable at all times, I can be internally easily overwhelmed (when I am, I just have to override that with sensibility). I am especially at a loss as to what to do when people are oblivious of things that they do that I am sensitive to, because they cannot conceive of what could possibly be affecting me. And I know that if I say nothing, I will be frustrated, but if I say something, nothing will change except people will become annoyed at me, because what I’m saying makes no sense to them.

But, I guess, that’s life.

I’m sure mermaids love the internet as much as the rest of us … especially when Fish (the aquatic equivalent of Apple) makes a nice waterproof model …

[Owing to a new collection of appealingly-colored, thin-tip pens, this year’s notes and sketches have primarily been in color, in contrast to past years when the pencil sketches were the highlight.  That means different / no shading, and of course, no eraser.  I’ve been having to settle for a few oddities and mistakes, but overall I feel a lot more comfortable freehanding with a pen than before.]

Yesterday was pi day (and also White Day, if you guys actually know what that is .. the two always coincide, incidentally). Anyway, so one cool thing was that Simmons Hall, on their beautiful super-sized blue LED ticker (like the ones in airports that scroll text), showed the glorious number sliding across the windows.

I pointed this out to Kathy, who I happened to bump into, and she told me, “Yeah, so I went to Google today, and they didn’t have anything for pi day. I was so disappointed!”

I replied to the effect of, “I’m not really sure pi day is a holiday outside of MIT … .”


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After subsisting on a delicious little broccoli floret and leftover cookies from a Medtronic event (I didn’t go to that Medtronic event, but I met the speaker in a small, cozy meeting of BE-BMES exec .. I didn’t realize that she was a high-up Medtronic exec (read: VP of Science) until she handed out her business card so I totally spoke to her in a positive but casual way o_O. She was really friendly ^_^) for a few hours, I decided to eat dinner while some frozen horse serum thawed in the warm water bath. I went to Kendall again, and I decided to try out the Teriyaki Cafe’s new “pork cutlet sandwich.” I was hoping all the way, “Please, let it be ton katsu in a sandwich, please please.” And it was!!!

Ton katsu is the bestest unhealthy food ever (well, fried dumplings and chicken quesadillas are up there, too, haha) – it’s just this slice of pork chop, pulverized with one of those spiky metal meat tenderizers and coated in batter and panko bread crumbs … then fried to your heart’s content (or malaise, as it may be =P). My mom makes the best fried pork – nice and thin, with the bone still on (the meat next to the bone is always the tastiest).

Yum yum yum~~~~